- Jacob Rogers successfully defends his dissertation, “Ultra-High Strain Rate Impact Behavior in High Molecular Weight Thermoplastics.” (March 2024).
- HVIL team completes 500th experiment. (Aug 2023).
- HVIL attends 72nd Meeting of the ARA.
- Mikayla Wiest inspects soft gel HVI sample (June 2022).
- HVIL aeroballistic range target tank and diagnostic fixtures (June 2022).
- The target fixture rolled out of the target tank (June 2022).
- HVIL aeroballistic range target tank and diagnostic fixtures (June 2022).
- High-performance concrete HVI specimens being inspected by Nick Kroger (June 2022).
- Dr. Raj Kota (left) and Michael Rakoski (right) loading radiographic imaging plates into target fixture (June 2022).
- Brynn Martin loading HVI target specimen into a target frame (June 2022).
- The MEE Team (June 2022).
- Joseph Stricklin loading target assembly into the target fixture (June 2022).
- Jacob Rogers making adjustments to diagnostic instruments (June 2022).
- HVIL researchers prepare 2SLGG before HVI experiment (June 2022).
- A view of the HVIL aeroballistic range from the uprange end of the range (June 2022).
- Jacob Rogers (left) named UCAH poster competition finalist (Mar. 2022).
- Jacob Rogers (left) and Brynn Martin (right) pictured with winning poster at UCAH Spring Forum (Mar. 2022).
- Khari Harrison presents poster at UCAH Spring Forum (Mar. 2022).
- Matthew Intardonato (left) presents poster at UCAH Spring Forum (Mar. 2022).
- The HVIL Team pictured in front of the HVIL aeroballistic range (Apr. 2022).
- The HVIL Team (Apr. 2022)
- The HVIL Team (Apr. 2022).
- Dr. Brian Schuster (UTEP) and Dr. Jacob George (MetroLaser, Inc.) visit the HVIL. From left to right: Jacob Rogers, Dr. Thomas Lacy, Dr. Brian Schuster, Gavin Lukasik, Khari Harrison, and Dr. Jacob George. (Mar. 2022)
- Team in the HVIL – from left to right: Jacob Rogers, Dr. Raj Kota, Dr. Thomas Lacy, Khari Harrison, Paul Mead, Zachary Gant.
- Dr. Raj Kota (left) and Dr. Thomas Lacy (right).
- HVI Team in the HVIL – from left to right: Dr. Raj Kota, Carson Lawrence, James Leaverton, Jacob Rogers, Paul Mead, Joseph Stricklin, Dr. Thomas Lacy, Gavin Lukasik, Nathaniel Bass, Khari Harrison, and Cullen Miller.
- Materials for Extreme Environments Group at Mississippi State University (2019).
- TAMU Mechanical Engineering Target Fixture Design Team – from left to right: Jacob Nolan, Jacob Rogers, James O’Neill, Paul Mead, Harsha Mohan, Scott Huser, Luis Deleon, and Zachary Gant (Nov. 2019)
- 2SLGG target tank surrounded by Scandiflash 450 kV flash X-ray system (sides), Shimadzu high-speed camera (above), and supporting fixtures (June 2021).
- Paul Mead (left) and Khari Harrison (right) aligning target specimen in target fixture (Feb. 2020).
- Paul Mead loading target specimen into target fixture (Feb. 2020)
- Paul Mead loading target specimen into 2SLGG target tank (Feb. 2020).
- Paul Mead inspecting target specimen inside 2SLGG target tank (Feb. 2020).
- Jacob Rogers loading a projectile into the 2SLGG launch tube (Feb. 2020).
- Paul Mead (left) and Jacob Rogers (right) assembling 2SLGG central breech (Feb. 2020).
- Dr. Raj Kota (left) and Zachary Gant (right) inspect high-speed (1M fps) video after experiment (Feb. 2020).
- Uprange view of the TAMU HVIL 2SLGG (Feb. 2020).
- The arrival of the Scandiflash 450 kV flash X-ray system (summer 2020).
- Pano view of the TAMU HVIL 2SLGG (Feb. 2020).